Thursday, July 29, 2010

The purpose of steganography is to conceal the very presence of secret information.

剛剛收到的 空中英語教室電子報 200 期, 內容剛好是在討論 very 的形容詞用法, 內容如下:

The U.N.'s Law of the Sea Treaty aims to resolve this very question. (p. 50, line 2)

句中的 very 是形容詞、比較不常見的用法,它有「正是」的強調意味。


-- The topic you brought up is the very thing we discussed at our last meeting.

-- Barbara realized that her children had done the very thing she feared: they had all moved far from home.

在我的印象中, 我所讀的 steganography papers 中, 的確常常出現這樣的用法:

例如, 在 Jessica Fridrich 所寫的論文 "A New Steganographic Method for Palette-Based Images" 的 Introduction 中, 第二句就是這樣用的:
The purpose of steganography is to conceal the very presence of secret information.

From StegoRN

另外, 在 The Code Breakers 這本書中, Chapter 16 CENSORS, SCRAMBLERS, AND SPIES (P. 513) 中的第一段也有這樣的用法:
CIPHER IS THE LANGUAGE OF SPIES - and usually they must talk in whispers. A spy's success, his very existence, depends on his not being seen or heard. Sending messages in obviously cryptographic form would alert counterespionage to him as effectively as wearing a cloak and dagger. Yet he must transmit, else he is useless. So he eschews the overt methods of secret communications for the covert. He resorts to open codes, hollow heels, invisible inks, microscopically small missives - the steganographic methods that conceal the very fact that a message is being sent. He seeks to communicate unnoticed.

From StegoRN

最近在看的這本書 "Steganography in Digital Media" 中, 第 2 頁的第 2 段, 也是有相同的用法:
Note that the hidden message is unrelated to the content of the letter, which only serve as a decoy or "cover" to hide the very fact that a secret message is being sent. ...

如果你用 "to conceal the very existence" 當關鍵字在 Google 中搜尋, 相信也可以搜尋到許多 steganography 相關的論文或文章呢!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I have received the steganography book!

今天下午, 在 Book Depository 訂購的書, 已經從英國(U.K.) 寄到家裏(Taiwan)了, 剛好花了一個星期的時間!

全球免運費(Free delivery worldwide)的情況下, 還可以在一個星期內拿到書, Book Depository 真的是不簡單!

這本書的封面設計的很不錯! (July 28, 2010)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Book: Steganography in Digital Media

From StegoRN

前幾天在 博客來網路書店 用關鍵字 steganography 搜尋, 竟然讓我找到這本 Jessica Fridrich 在去年底發表的新書, 看了實在很心動, 但原價 85 美元的書, 竟然定價為 3825 元, 匯率竟然是用 45 元計價, 實在是賣得太貴了!

接著, 我就到 金石堂網路書局 去找同樣一本書, 結果金石堂更誇張, 賣 4760 元, 匯率竟高達 56 元。

或許這兩家書局還要負擔從國外寄書進口的運費, 我們就從 Amazon 網路書局來比較一下好了。

這本書在 Amazon 的定價(List Price) 為 85 美元, 實際售價(Price) 為 68 美元, 這本書在美國為 FREE with Super Saver Shipping 免運費, 寄到台灣則是要加上約 10 美元的運費 (Per Shipment 4.99 + Per Item 4.99), 直接從 PayPal 或用信用卡付費, 以目前一美元不到 35 美元的匯率, 頂多 2730 元就搞定了!

當天晚上, 我在 Plurk 發了一則噗, 小小埋怨了一下, 後來一位 噗友 pirrer 建議我試試 Book Depository 這家 UK 網站, 全球免運費。

全球免運費(Free delivery worldwide), 真的讓我很心動! 因此, 在我把 PayPal 帳戶中的信用卡相關資料及地址更新後, 我就直接下單了, 買了 2 本, 一本自己看, 一本給研究生研讀。

接下來, 就要等看看書要幾天才會從 UK 寄來了!
