Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CAIP 2007

CAIP 2007
今天下午和實驗室老師討論的結果, 決定今年暑假要參加的學術研討會鎖定為由 IAPR 所主辦的 CAIP 2007
現在目標已經設定了, 接下來就要衝了...

The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
August 27th - August 29th, 2007
Vienna, Austria

Paper submission deadline: March 30th, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: May 14th, 2007
Camera ready paper: June 4th, 2007

Call For Papers
CAIP 2007

Friday, December 22, 2006

News: 中興大學知名生化教授張OO撤銷 Cell 雜誌論文

(自由時報 2006/12/16 記者蘇孟娟 台中報導)














Monday, December 18, 2006

Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography

Hide & SeekOutGusee 的作者 Niels Provos 和他的指導教授 Peter Honeyman 在 2003 年 May/June 的 IEEE Security & Privacy 雜誌發表了一篇隱藏學的介紹性文章 "Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography"。


1. The basics of embedding
 a. capacity, security, robustness
 b. steganography & watermarking
 c. Kerckhoffs' Principle
 d. Alice & Bob

2. Hide and seek
 a. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
 b. Sequential
 c. Pseudo random
 d. Subtraction
 e. Statistics-aware embedding
 f. Comparison

3. Steganography detection on the Internet
 a. Steganographic systems in use
 b. Detection framework
 c. Finding images
 d. Verifying hidden content
 e. Distributed dictionary attack

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Attacking the OutGuess

Jessica Fridrich, Miroslav Goljan & Dorin Hogea
"Attacking the OutGuess,"
ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security 2002,
Juan-les-Pins, France, December 6, 2002

In this paper, we describe new methodology for developing steganalytic methods for JPEG images. The proposed framework can be applied to virtually all current methods for JPEGs including OutGuess, F5, and J-Steg. It also enables accurate estimation of the length of the embedded secret message. The methodology is demonstrated on OutGuess 0.2.

這篇論文針對 OutGuess 0.2 隱藏工具提出一套攻擊方法。所提的分析架構, 不但可以運用到不同的JPEG影像隱藏工具, 亦可以正確地估算嵌入訊息的長度。

在這篇論文的第三節中提到 OutGuess 的特點, 與解釋為什麼 Chi-square attack 無法破解 OutGuess。
p2. left column
The OutGuess steganographic algorithm was proposed by Neils Provos to counter the statistical chi-square attack. In the first pass, similar to J-Steg, OutGuess embeds message bits along a random walk into the LSBs of coefficients while skipping 0’s and 1’s. After embedding, the image is processed again using a second pass. This time, corrections are made to the coefficients to make the stego image histogram match the cover image histogram. Because the chi-square attack is based on analyzing first-order statistics of the stego image, it cannot detect messages embedded using OutGuess. Provos also reports that the corrections are made in such a manner to avoid detection using his generalized chi-square attack.
P.2 right column
Because OutGuess introduces random changes into the quantized coefficients, the spatial discontinuities at the boundaries of all 8×8 blocks will increase. We will measure the discontinuity using the blockiness measure. For detection, we will inspect the increase of this blockiness measure after embedding a 100% message again using OutGuess. This increase will be smaller for the stego image than for the cover image because of the partial cancellation of changes. This difference will form the basis of our message length estimation.
由於 OutGuess 隨機改變量化後 DCT 係數的 LSBs, 增加了還原後 8*8 區塊的不連續性。J. Fridrich用一個 blockiness formula 來估算區塊不連續性。使用 OutGuess 藏入100% 的資料量後, 檢驗區塊不連續性的增加量。如果這張影像是偽裝影像(stego image), 區塊不連續性增加量是比原始掩護影像 (cover image) 來得小。這個差距就是用來估算嵌入資料量的基礎。

而論文中的 blockiness formula, 其實就是不同區塊間的相鄰像素間的色彩差距絕對值的總和。再求取嵌入資料量大小的過程中, 必須知道原始掩護影像的區塊不連續性, S(0)。J. Fridrich 經由實驗證明, 將偽裝影像裁去四列像素後所得的區塊不連續性和原始掩護影像的區塊不連續性值是相近的, 因此可以用來代替所需的 S(0)。

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Origin of Steganography

隱藏學的起源, 最早可回溯到兩千多年以前的古希臘時代, 在希臘歷史學家 Herodotus 的史著中, 記載著一個非常有名的故事:

西元前 491 年, 斯巴達國王 Demaratus 因故被放逐後, 被對希臘懷有侵略野心的東方帝國 - 波斯, 奉為上賓。波斯皇帝 Xerxes 在弭平埃及反抗叛亂後, 開始著手安排對希臘各城邦的侵略戰爭。Demaratus 獲知 Xerxes 的意圖後, 便將平時書寫用的小蠟板, 把上層蠟括除, 再將 Xerxes 的企圖刻在木板, 重新用蠟封起, 送回斯巴達皇宮。

由於小蠟板的外觀看起來並無異狀, 因此能夠順利通過邊境檢查, 送到斯巴達國王 Leonidas 手中。然而, 並沒有人能夠馬上理會出小蠟板的用意, 最後是由 Leonidas 的妻子 Gorgo 猜出小蠟板的下方可能藏有訊息, 命人括去蠟層後, 使得波斯帝國即將大舉入侵的消息揭露出來。斯巴達皇后 Gorgo 可以說是歷史上所記載第一位成功破解隱藏技術的人。

下圖是使用 Google 在網路上搜尋到的當年波斯戰爭地圖。

Map of Persian Wars

Friday, December 01, 2006

Steganography in Merrian-Webster Online

前幾天收到 Merrian-Webster Online 用 email 寄來的 Word of the Day ( November 26, 2006 ) 剛好就是介紹 steganography 這個字, 這個字之前我在 Merrian-Webster Online 是查不到的, 不過現在已經補上來了, 我們來看看 email 的介紹內容:
steganography \steg-uh-NAH-gruh-fee\ noun

: the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file

Example sentence:
No doubt, the Internet has enriched society, but it has a flip side; terrorists, for instance, can secretly network online using steganography.

Did you know?
"Steganography" is a word that was resurrected after being in disuse for almost 150 years! It was put to rest in the early 1800s, labeled an archaic synonym of "cryptography" by dictionary makers, but was brought back to life in the 1980s as a word for a type of digital cryptography. There is nothing cryptic about the word's origin; it is based on the Greek word "steganos," meaning "covered" or "reticent."
steganography 在 Merrian-Webster Online 的連結網址是 http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/steganography
Main Entry: steg·a·nog·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "ste-g&-'nä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin steganographia, from Greek steganos covered, reticent (from stegein to cover) + Latin -graphia -graphy -- more at THATCH
1 archaic : CRYPTOGRAPHY
2 : the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file
- steg·a·no·graph·ic /-n&-'gra-fik/ adjective
相對於 cryptography 的 steganography, Merrian-Webster Online 已經有解釋了, 不過, 相對於cryptanalysis 的 steganalysis, 不曉得還要等多久, 字典的解釋才會補上來...

JPEG Standard

This CCITT Recommendation | ISO/IEC International Standard was prepared by CCITT Study Group VIII and the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 10. This Experts Group was formed in 1986 to establish a standard for the sequential progressive encoding of continuous tone grayscale and colour images.

CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)