steganographysteganography 在 Merrian-Webster Online 的連結網址是\steg-uh-NAH-gruh-fee\ noun
: the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file
Example sentence:
No doubt, the Internet has enriched society, but it has a flip side; terrorists, for instance, can secretly network online using steganography.
Did you know?
"Steganography" is a word that was resurrected after being in disuse for almost 150 years! It was put to rest in the early 1800s, labeled an archaic synonym of "cryptography" by dictionary makers, but was brought back to life in the 1980s as a word for a type of digital cryptography. There is nothing cryptic about the word's origin; it is based on the Greek word "steganos," meaning "covered" or "reticent."
Main Entry: steg·a·nog·ra·phy相對於 cryptography 的 steganography, Merrian-Webster Online 已經有解釋了, 不過, 相對於cryptanalysis 的 steganalysis, 不曉得還要等多久, 字典的解釋才會補上來...
Pronunciation: "ste-g&-'nä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin steganographia, from Greek steganos covered, reticent (from stegein to cover) + Latin -graphia -graphy -- more at THATCH
1 archaic : CRYPTOGRAPHY
2 : the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file
- steg·a·no·graph·ic/-n&-'gra-fik/ adjective
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