Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bivariate Distribution & Marginal Distribution

Bivariate Distribution 顧名思義就是具有兩個隨機變數的分配。

From StegoRN

貓頭鷹出版社 所出版的 統計學辭典 中, 舉的例子非常容易理解: 特定構造與型示的二手車。一般來說, 對有興趣的買主來說, 二手汽車有兩個令人感興趣且容易測量的變數: 車齡 里程數

假設有一家二手車行購進了同一樣式的二手車 30 輛, 車行就可以將其依車子的使用年齡和行駛里程數製成一個二變量次數表。換句話說, 就是列出一個二維表格, 一維是車齡, 另一維是里程數, 表中統計符合條件的車輛數。例如: 使用 2-3 年, 行駛 4-5 萬英里的車子有 2 輛。在這個例子中, 兩個變數並不是相互獨立的, 較舊的車通常行駛較長的距離。

From StegoRN

如果表中所使用的是機率, 那就是一個 二變量機率分布 (bivariate probability distribution), 在二變量分配表上, 分別做行相加, 或列相加的動作, 所得出的分配就稱為 邊際分配 (marginal distribution)

在二手車的例子中, 邊際分配為:
里程數  0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
車輛數  1   2   2   3   7   6   6   3

車 齡  0 - 1   1 - 2   2 - 3   3 - 4   4 - 5   5 - 6   6 - 7   7 - 8
車輛數  3   2   7   9   3   3   1   2

維基百科中的 聯合分布 ( joint probability distribution ) 條目的說明, 其實和這邊的 Bivariate Distribution 的解釋是差不多的, 指的應該就是同樣的東西。

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feature-Based Steganalysis for JPEG Images and Its Implications for Future Design of Steganographic Schemes

Author: Jessica Fridrich

Information Hiding Workshop 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
23 - 25, May, 2004

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3200


In this paper, we introduce a new feature-based steganalytic method for JPEG images and use it as a benchmark for comparing JPEG steganographic algorithms and evaluating their embedding mechanisms. The detection method is a linear classifier trained on feature vectors corresponding to cover and stego images. In contrast to previous blind approaches, the features are calculated as an L1 norm of the difference between a specific macroscopic functional calculated from the stego image and the same functional obtained from a decompressed, cropped, and recompressed stego image. The functionals are built from marginal and joint statistics of DCT coefficients. Because the features are calculated directly from DCT coefficients, conclusions can be drawn about the impact of embedding modifications on detectability. Three different steganographic paradigms are tested and compared. Experimental results reveal new facts about current steganographic methods for JPEGs and new design principles for more secure JPEG steganography.

Monday, September 08, 2008

WCE 2008


World Congress on Engineering (WCE) 每年都在 Imperial College, London 舉辦, 底下聯合了 15 個不同領域的研討會, 今年我們一行人投稿了兩篇論文, 一篇屬於 ICISIE'08, 由元智資工系王任瓚教授在 07/02 早上場次報告; 另一篇則是屬於 ICSIE'08, 由黃世育教授在 07/02 下午場次報告。

Imperial College, London

Imperial College, London

很幸運地, 出了地鐵站, 就遇見了已經在 WCE 2008 奮鬥了一個早上的三位教授。王任瓚教授已經報告完了, 所以一臉輕鬆。進入會場後, 我們先找個合適的地方留影,  

(left to right) Prof. Ran-Zan Wang, Prof. Shih-Yu Huang, Prof. Graeme Bell and I.
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

Prof. Graeme Bell and I.
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

Prof. Ran-Zan Wang and I.
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

最辛苦的兩位教授, 王任瓚教授已經報告完了, 所以一臉輕鬆。

Prof. Ran-Zan Wang and Prof. Shih-Yu Huang,
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

會場提供的杯子是 IKEA 的 ... 便宜, 環保, 又非常好看!

Prof. Graeme Bell and Prof. Ran-Zan Wang
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

這位學者看到我拿 Nikon D70 相機, 就跑來和我們閒聊 ...

WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

黃世育教授上台報告, ...

Prof. Shih-Yu Huang, WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

看到窗外的大樹, 突然覺得可以在這邊上課是很幸福的 ...

Big trees outside the windows,
WCE 2008, Imperial College, London


WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

WCE 2008, Imperial College, London

WCE 2008, Imperial College, London