Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CAIP 2007

CAIP 2007
今天下午和實驗室老師討論的結果, 決定今年暑假要參加的學術研討會鎖定為由 IAPR 所主辦的 CAIP 2007
現在目標已經設定了, 接下來就要衝了...

The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
August 27th - August 29th, 2007
Vienna, Austria

Paper submission deadline: March 30th, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: May 14th, 2007
Camera ready paper: June 4th, 2007

Call For Papers
CAIP 2007

Friday, December 22, 2006

News: 中興大學知名生化教授張OO撤銷 Cell 雜誌論文

(自由時報 2006/12/16 記者蘇孟娟 台中報導)














Monday, December 18, 2006

Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography

Hide & SeekOutGusee 的作者 Niels Provos 和他的指導教授 Peter Honeyman 在 2003 年 May/June 的 IEEE Security & Privacy 雜誌發表了一篇隱藏學的介紹性文章 "Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography"。


1. The basics of embedding
 a. capacity, security, robustness
 b. steganography & watermarking
 c. Kerckhoffs' Principle
 d. Alice & Bob

2. Hide and seek
 a. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
 b. Sequential
 c. Pseudo random
 d. Subtraction
 e. Statistics-aware embedding
 f. Comparison

3. Steganography detection on the Internet
 a. Steganographic systems in use
 b. Detection framework
 c. Finding images
 d. Verifying hidden content
 e. Distributed dictionary attack

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Attacking the OutGuess

Jessica Fridrich, Miroslav Goljan & Dorin Hogea
"Attacking the OutGuess,"
ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security 2002,
Juan-les-Pins, France, December 6, 2002

In this paper, we describe new methodology for developing steganalytic methods for JPEG images. The proposed framework can be applied to virtually all current methods for JPEGs including OutGuess, F5, and J-Steg. It also enables accurate estimation of the length of the embedded secret message. The methodology is demonstrated on OutGuess 0.2.

這篇論文針對 OutGuess 0.2 隱藏工具提出一套攻擊方法。所提的分析架構, 不但可以運用到不同的JPEG影像隱藏工具, 亦可以正確地估算嵌入訊息的長度。

在這篇論文的第三節中提到 OutGuess 的特點, 與解釋為什麼 Chi-square attack 無法破解 OutGuess。
p2. left column
The OutGuess steganographic algorithm was proposed by Neils Provos to counter the statistical chi-square attack. In the first pass, similar to J-Steg, OutGuess embeds message bits along a random walk into the LSBs of coefficients while skipping 0’s and 1’s. After embedding, the image is processed again using a second pass. This time, corrections are made to the coefficients to make the stego image histogram match the cover image histogram. Because the chi-square attack is based on analyzing first-order statistics of the stego image, it cannot detect messages embedded using OutGuess. Provos also reports that the corrections are made in such a manner to avoid detection using his generalized chi-square attack.
P.2 right column
Because OutGuess introduces random changes into the quantized coefficients, the spatial discontinuities at the boundaries of all 8×8 blocks will increase. We will measure the discontinuity using the blockiness measure. For detection, we will inspect the increase of this blockiness measure after embedding a 100% message again using OutGuess. This increase will be smaller for the stego image than for the cover image because of the partial cancellation of changes. This difference will form the basis of our message length estimation.
由於 OutGuess 隨機改變量化後 DCT 係數的 LSBs, 增加了還原後 8*8 區塊的不連續性。J. Fridrich用一個 blockiness formula 來估算區塊不連續性。使用 OutGuess 藏入100% 的資料量後, 檢驗區塊不連續性的增加量。如果這張影像是偽裝影像(stego image), 區塊不連續性增加量是比原始掩護影像 (cover image) 來得小。這個差距就是用來估算嵌入資料量的基礎。

而論文中的 blockiness formula, 其實就是不同區塊間的相鄰像素間的色彩差距絕對值的總和。再求取嵌入資料量大小的過程中, 必須知道原始掩護影像的區塊不連續性, S(0)。J. Fridrich 經由實驗證明, 將偽裝影像裁去四列像素後所得的區塊不連續性和原始掩護影像的區塊不連續性值是相近的, 因此可以用來代替所需的 S(0)。

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Origin of Steganography

隱藏學的起源, 最早可回溯到兩千多年以前的古希臘時代, 在希臘歷史學家 Herodotus 的史著中, 記載著一個非常有名的故事:

西元前 491 年, 斯巴達國王 Demaratus 因故被放逐後, 被對希臘懷有侵略野心的東方帝國 - 波斯, 奉為上賓。波斯皇帝 Xerxes 在弭平埃及反抗叛亂後, 開始著手安排對希臘各城邦的侵略戰爭。Demaratus 獲知 Xerxes 的意圖後, 便將平時書寫用的小蠟板, 把上層蠟括除, 再將 Xerxes 的企圖刻在木板, 重新用蠟封起, 送回斯巴達皇宮。

由於小蠟板的外觀看起來並無異狀, 因此能夠順利通過邊境檢查, 送到斯巴達國王 Leonidas 手中。然而, 並沒有人能夠馬上理會出小蠟板的用意, 最後是由 Leonidas 的妻子 Gorgo 猜出小蠟板的下方可能藏有訊息, 命人括去蠟層後, 使得波斯帝國即將大舉入侵的消息揭露出來。斯巴達皇后 Gorgo 可以說是歷史上所記載第一位成功破解隱藏技術的人。

下圖是使用 Google 在網路上搜尋到的當年波斯戰爭地圖。

Map of Persian Wars

Friday, December 01, 2006

Steganography in Merrian-Webster Online

前幾天收到 Merrian-Webster Online 用 email 寄來的 Word of the Day ( November 26, 2006 ) 剛好就是介紹 steganography 這個字, 這個字之前我在 Merrian-Webster Online 是查不到的, 不過現在已經補上來了, 我們來看看 email 的介紹內容:
steganography \steg-uh-NAH-gruh-fee\ noun

: the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file

Example sentence:
No doubt, the Internet has enriched society, but it has a flip side; terrorists, for instance, can secretly network online using steganography.

Did you know?
"Steganography" is a word that was resurrected after being in disuse for almost 150 years! It was put to rest in the early 1800s, labeled an archaic synonym of "cryptography" by dictionary makers, but was brought back to life in the 1980s as a word for a type of digital cryptography. There is nothing cryptic about the word's origin; it is based on the Greek word "steganos," meaning "covered" or "reticent."
steganography 在 Merrian-Webster Online 的連結網址是 http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/steganography
Main Entry: steg·a·nog·ra·phy
Pronunciation: "ste-g&-'nä-gr&-fE
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin steganographia, from Greek steganos covered, reticent (from stegein to cover) + Latin -graphia -graphy -- more at THATCH
1 archaic : CRYPTOGRAPHY
2 : the art or practice of concealing a message, image, or file within another message, image, or file
- steg·a·no·graph·ic /-n&-'gra-fik/ adjective
相對於 cryptography 的 steganography, Merrian-Webster Online 已經有解釋了, 不過, 相對於cryptanalysis 的 steganalysis, 不曉得還要等多久, 字典的解釋才會補上來...

JPEG Standard

This CCITT Recommendation | ISO/IEC International Standard was prepared by CCITT Study Group VIII and the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 10. This Experts Group was formed in 1986 to establish a standard for the sequential progressive encoding of continuous tone grayscale and colour images.

CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

News: 台灣研究論文被引用次數 亞太地區僅次日本

(中央社 2006-11-14 19:03 記者劉嘉韻台北十四日電)


湯姆森卓越研究獎首度在台頒發,共有八名學者獲獎;湯姆森集團資深研究員 Nobuko Miyairi 分析指出,近年來台灣研發人員的研究報告被引用次數逐年攀升,顯示台灣學者的研究,在國際學術界越來越重要。



Miyairi 表示,最近幾年,台灣除了論文被引用次數急遽攀升之外,二000至二00五年間,台灣的專利申請也成長百分之三十,而這些研究成果是代表台灣不斷追求發明、新技術與新突破的指標。

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Null Cipher

A null cipher hides the message according to some prearranged set of rules, such as "read every fifth word" or "look at the third character in every word."

一次世界大戰 (WWI) 期間, 一名德國間諜利用 Null Cipher 的方式, 從美國 Washington, D.C. 向位於 Berlin 總部回報了底下這段文字:
為求慎重, 又發了底下一段文字, 作為確認 (check) 之用:
如果我們第一段訊息中, 每個字的第一個字母抽出, 或是將第二段訊息中, 每個字的第二個字母抽出, 都可以發現底下的句子:
Pershing sails from NY June 1.
John J. Pershing 是一次大戰期間, 美國遠征軍 (American Expeditionary Force) 的指揮官, 也是二次大戰期間, 美國將領們的良師(mentor)。

上述這個 Null Cipher Message 的例子, 最早我是在 IEEE Computer, February 1998 這期 Neil F. Johnson 與 Sushil Jajodia 的文章 "Exploring Steganography: Seeing the Unseen" 所讀到。

今天, 我在 WebStone 公司的 Stego Suite 網頁所提供的技術論文 "What You Can't See Can Hurt You" (2002), 又讀到了相同的例子。

不過, 上述兩篇論文都把故事發生的時間誤寫成 WWII, 發現這點是因為我後來研讀 Gray C. Kessler 的論文 "An Overview of Steganography for the Computer Forensics Examiner" [ PDF ] 時, 也讀到了這段故事, 不過故事發生的時間卻是在 WWI, 與上述兩篇所寫的 WWII 有出入。

From StegoRN

因此, 我就去翻這些論文的原始參考文獻 "THE CODE BREAKERS - The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet" (David Kahn, 1996), 終於確認時間應該是 WWI。

有趣的是書中 (P. 521) 還提到 Pershing 確實出發的日期應該是 May 28, 而不是 June 1, 顯然這位德國間諜情報有誤, 搞了一次烏龍。

Monday, October 23, 2006

JPHIDE and JPSEEK Offical Website

1999年 8 月推出的 JPHIDE and JPSEEK,
作者: Allan Latham ( alatham@flexsys-group.com ),
官方網站網址: http://linux01.gwdg.de/~alatham/stego.html
在官網中, 作者對於這個隱藏軟體的描述如下:
JPHIDE and JPSEEK are programs which allow you to hide a file in a jpeg visual image. There are lots of versions of similar programs available on the internet but JPHIDE and JPSEEK are rather special. The design objective was not simply to hide a file but rather to do this in such a way that it is impossible to prove that the host file contains a hidden file. Given a typical visual image, a low insertion rate (under 5%) and the absence of the original file, it is not possible to conclude with any worthwhile certainty that the host file contains inserted data. As the insertion percentage increases the statistical nature of the jpeg coefficients differs from "normal" to the extent that it raises suspicion. Above 15% the effects begin to become visible to the naked eye. Of course some images are much better than others when used a host file - plenty of fine detail is good. A cloudless blue sky over a snow covered ski paradise is bad. A waterfall in a forest is probably ideal.
JPHIDE and JPSEEK 是一個可以將檔案藏進 JPEG 影像的程式。在 Internet 上, 有許多類似程式及其各種版本, 然而, JPHIDE and JPSEEK 卻相當特別!JPHIDE and JPSEEK 的設計目的並不僅是簡單地隱藏檔案, 反而是進一步要表達: 要證明某張偽裝影像嵌有檔案是不可能的。給定一個嵌有低嵌入比例 (低於 5% ) 的影像, 在沒有原始影像的情況下, 並沒有辦法去判斷這張影像嵌有訊息的。當嵌入比例增加時, JPEG 係數的統計特性偏離了原來的正常範圍, 就會引起懷疑。超過 15% 的嵌入比例時, 對於影像品質的影響是肉眼可見的。當然, 擁有較多細節的影像是比較適合用來做掩護影像 ( host ) 的。例如: 一張藍天無雲的滑雪天堂的圖片, 就不太適合用來嵌入訊息; 在森林中瀑布拍攝的圖片就是一張理想的掩護影像。
JPHIDE and JPSEEK 有兩個版本:
1. JPHS 0.3 是 Linux 版本, Download: JPHS 0.3 & Signature
2. JPHS 0.5 則是 Window 版本, Download: JPHS 0.5

JPHS 0.5 的執行畫面如下:
From StegoRN

Steganographic Tools for JPEG Images

JPEG standard 是 Internet 上使用最廣泛的影像儲存格式。因此, 網路上也有許多隱藏軟體 ( steganographic software ) 可以將訊息藏到 JPEG 影像中, 然後透過 Internet 傳送秘密訊息。

Niels Provos & Peter Honeyman 在 2002 年 ISOC NDSS'02 研討會提出 " Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet " 這篇論文, 文中 P.4 提到了三個在 Internet 上較普及的隱藏軟體。
There are three popular steganographic systems available on the Internet that hide information in JPEG images:

• JSteg, JSteg-Shell


All of these systems use some form of leastsignificant bit embedding and are detectable by statistical analysis except the latest release of OutGuess. In the following, we describe the specific characteristics of these systems and show how to detect them.

Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman, "Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet,"ISOC NDSS'02, San Diego, CA, February 2002.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

News: 國科會 3 年期研究計畫優先審查補助

明年起 國科會重大改革 3年期研究計畫 優先審查補助
(中國時報 2006/10/02 李宗祐 台北報導)

最為學術界詬病的國科會研究補助審查制度,明年起有重大變革!為鼓勵學者研究計畫「重質不重量」,明年起,國科會以「三年期」研究計畫優先審查補助;若無 特殊理由,「一年期」研究計畫很難再獲補助。由於事涉國內各大學及研究機構數萬名學者權益,國科會最近陸續透過研討會說明制度變革內容。

副主委楊弘敦表示,學者現所提都是短程的一年期計畫,但重大研究需要長期投入才有具體成效,因此今年試辦鼓勵學者提出「三年期」研究計畫。但試辦情況不理 想,審查通過的補助計畫仍有七○%到八○%是一年期研究計畫。楊弘敦指出,目前每年向國科會申請經費補助的研究計畫超過三萬件,以五○%通過率計算,每年 獲補助的計畫一萬六、七千件,而超過三成的學者隔年提出的延續性研究計畫都會順利通過審查,要學者每年送審,實在沒什麼必要。

為讓學者全心投入研究工作,減少行政業務造成的干擾,國科會決定,明年起全面實施「三年期」研究計畫審查制度。楊弘敦表示,每年新提出的研究計畫可望從三 萬件以上減少一半,可大幅提升審查品質,並進一步改善學術界至今仍質疑的審查不公現象,同時減輕學者每年寫計畫書送審的壓力。明年起,除非是非常有創意,或配合政策需求者可提出一年期計畫;若無特殊理由而提出一年期研究計畫,恐怕很難獲補助。但也不代表三年期研究計畫申請一次獲准,就可安穩過三年,執行成效若不彰,會中途取消補助。


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

在 SIP 2006 與 Session Chair 合照

SIP 2006議程 除了四場的專題演講(Keynote Address) 之外, 論文報告總共分成 9 個 Sessions, 分別是:

Session 1 - Pattern Recognition
Session 2 - Video Signal Processing
Session 3 - Image Processing Applications
Session 4 - Image Processing and Analysis I
Session 5 - Image Processing and Analysis II
Session 6 - Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Session 7 - Signal Processing for Communication
Session 8 - Signal Processing Applications
Session 9 - Signal Processing and Filtering

我們的論文被安排在 Session 4 - Image Processing and Analysis I,
報告的時間在 Tuesday, August 15, 2006
早上 8:30 在 Kahuku Room

Session 4 的 Chair 是 Yan Meng, 報告的 12 篇論文中,
有 3 篇來自 USA, 2 篇來自 Germany, 2 篇來自 Korea,
其餘 5 篇論文分別來自 The Netherland, Hongkong PRC, Japan, Brazil, Taiwan。

在 SIP 2006 巧遇王元凱教授

2006/08/14 下午, 我們前往 SIP2006 會議會場 Sheraton Waikiki Hotel 報到, 在放置點心的交流廳巧遇了也是同樣來自台灣的 王元凱教授, 王教授任教於 輔大電子系, 也曾經當過 IAPR 學會 Taiwan 分會的祕書長, 去年在翡翠灣舉辦過 CVGIP 2005 研討會, 我們實驗室也有不少老師同學前往參加該研討會。因此, 大家還算熟識, 這次在夏威夷相遇, 實在頗神奇。不過更神奇的是王教授夫婦也是住在整修中的 Ohana Islander Waikiki。王教授發表的論文被安排在會議第一天下午報告, 此時他已經報告完畢, 無事一身輕了。

你注意到我們所背的 IASTED 包包了嗎? 標價一個 670 美元, 可不輸給LV 呢!至於身上的 Aloha Shirt, 則是路邊攤買的, 15 美元搞定。

今天的任務是要把論文報告的會場弄清楚, 我們的論文被安排在 SIP Session 4 - Image Processing and Analysis, 第二天早上在 Kahuku Room 報告, 這個會場有個很棒的視野, 正面對著游泳池與太平洋。

Saturday, August 12, 2006

SIP 2006 的投影片終於完成了

今天晚上要搭機前往夏威夷, 終於趕在昨晚把投影片完成了, 前後差不多改了一個星期才完成


Yeuan-Kuen Lee, Shih-Yu Hwang, Zhan-He Ou,
8th IASTED Int. Con. on Signal & Image Processing (SIP 2006),
August 14-16, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

PPT Download ...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

SIP 2006 的 final paper

Yeuan-Kuen Lee, Shih-Yu Hwang, Zhan-He Ou,
8th IASTED Int. Con. on Signal & Image Processing (SIP 2006),
August 14-16, 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

這篇論文是根據 reviewers 的意見修改後,
再依照 SIP 研討會的論文格式編輯後的 final paper。

這次的論文修改, 主要著重在加強實驗的測試影像與描述實驗結果上。根據第二位 reviewer 的意見, 我們原本的測試影像和依般論文常用的影像不同, 所以我特地從 USC-SIPI Image DatabaseMiscellaneous 中, 下載了 8 個大小為 512*512 的標準彩色影像做測試, 並將實驗結果用 Table 1 與 2 詳細地描述呈現。

這次 reviewers 給意見, 應該可以算是對我們有所肯定, 各項分數的評分如下:
The numerical list below is a list of the reviewers' averaged score for the criteria of originality, contribution, references, presentation, and language for your paper. Please note that the final result of the paper is in no way solely dependent upon the numerical scores assigned by the reviewers. Other factors such as the total number of submissions, comments, and relevance to conference topic area also influence the final result. Also, please note that some reviewers may choose not to state any comments.

(Key: 1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Satisfactory, 4=Unsatisfactory, 5=Poor)

Originality: 2.0
Contribution: 3.0
References: 3.0
Presentation: 3.0
Language: 3.0

Final Result: Accepted
第一個 reviewer 的 comments 如下:
Describes the use of a statistical method based on color clipping to identify stego-images and to extract covert information from Jsteg stego-images.

1. In the second page substitute "space than RGB space" by "space instead of RGB space".
2. In the fifth page substitute "should step 2 repeat" by "should step 2 be repeated".
3. It would be advantageous to adress more the low contrast images problem.
第二個 reviewer 的 comments 如下:
The paper presents a new approach in steganalysis detection for images modified using the Jsteg tool. The main contribution of the paper is that it makes the association between high number of color overflows and the presence of steganographic message. The authors then suggest that a test for hidden data can be performed by further embedding hidden data. The experimental results may or may not be illustrative. As the authrors acknowledge, the number of random message insertions may be hard to find. It is also unclear how large the message must be. The images used are not standard and have not been presented or described in detail.

Overall, I think the paper has real potential to spark a discussion at the conference. I believe however that the way the method is presented as well as the value of the experiments are working against the overall paper value. A sign of the experiment's solidity is the lack of comparison with any steganalysis tool.

Clealry describe the data sets. Refine the algorithm details (how many rounds were really run for each image, what was the size of the embed message).

Saturday, April 15, 2006

News: 印度推出世界最大的免費期刊搜尋平台

World's biggest Open Access English Language Journals Portal
Open J-Gate

訊息來源: 國科會 簡訊網

位於印度班加羅爾的 Informatics 公司推出世界上最大的公開電子期刊入口網站「Open J-gate」。這項服務是免費的,開放給所有人使用。目前這個網站已列入 3000 多本公開使用的電子期刊,涵蓋了一百多萬比筆的文章資訊。這個網站的網址是 http://www.jgate.in/ 推出該網站的 Informatics 公司認為,這個網站對全球性搜尋及公開使用的發展具有貢獻。

PS: 班加羅爾 (Bangalore) 在 "世界是平的" 這本書中, 翻成 班加洛, 如果你看了這本書, 你就會感受到這個地方現在站在世界的位置是多麼的舉足輕重。

Sunday, April 02, 2006

投稿 SIP 2006

剛剛終於在最後一刻把論文投稿到 SIP 2006 了, 了結了近兩個月來, 心頭上最大的一件事!

研討會是今年八月中旬在夏威夷舉辦, 可不可以去就要等五月中的通知。


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

About OutGuess ... (part 1): N. Provos

OutGuess by Neils Provos
Offical Website: www.outguess.org

Niels Provos & Peter Honeyman 在 2001 年CITI 的技術報告, 還有 2002年 ISOC NDSS'02 研討會論文 "Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet" 中是這樣描述 OutGuess 的:
[ P.5 ]
 OutGuess is a steganographic system available as UNIX source code. There are two released versions: OutGuess 0.13b, which is vulnerable to statistical analysis, and OutGuess 0.2, which includes the ability to preserve statistical properties and can not be detected by the statistical tests used in this paper.

 OutGuess is different from the systems described in the previous sections in that its chooses the DCT coefficients with a pseudo-random number generator. A user-supplied pass phrase initializes a stream cipher and a pseudo-random number generator, both based on RC4. The stream cipher is used to encrypt the content.

 Because the modifications are distributed randomly over the DCT coefficients, the X²-test can not be applied on a continuously increasing sample of the image. Instead, we slide the position where we take the samples across the image.

 For OutGuess 0.13b, we do not find any clear signatures. Figure 7 shows the probability of embedding for a sample image. The spikes indicate areas in the image where modifications to coefficients cause departures from the expected DCT coefficient frequency.

Figure 7: OutGuess 0.13b is more difficult to detect. Due to the random selection of bits, there is no clear signature.

上面這張圖是論文的 Figure 7, 將整張影像切割成 100 等份(橫軸), 每一等份都用 Chi-Square Attack 去估算嵌有機密訊息的可能性(縱軸)。由於 OutGuess 隨機地將資料分散在整張影像之中, 因此, 分別在這 100 份的部分影像所計算出來的可能值, p, 大小是不固定的, 可以說毫無特定特徵(signature)可言。因此, 相對於 Jsteg/JSteg-Shell 與 JPHide 來說, 隱藏在整張影像的機密訊息是較難被偵測出來的。

Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman, "Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet,"ISOC NDSS'02, San Diego, CA, February 2002.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (六) : A. Westfeld

Andreas Westfeld & Andreas Phitzmann 在 IHW99 的論文 "Attacks on Steganographic System" 中, 曾經三次提到 Jsteg:

1. 在 P.3 提到 Tinsley 的年度報告中有介紹一種關於 Jsteg 的攻擊方法。其實, Tinsley 另外還提出 j1, j2 兩個新嵌入法。
Related to this work is Final Year Project of Tinsley on Steganography and JPEG Compression. He describes statistical attacks applied to Jsteg using a different statistical model.
2. P.8 說明為什麼提出來的 Visual Attack 無法運用在破解 Jsteg。
Jsteg - embedding in a transformed domain. Jsteg embeds in JPEG images. In JPEG images, the image content is transformed into frequency coefficients to achieve storage as compact as possible. There is no visual attack in the sense presented here, because one steganographic bit influences up to 256 pixels.
3. P.12 最後, 運用作者所提出來的 Chi-Square Attack, 就可以成功破解 Jsteg。
Jsteg - embedding in a transformed domain. As already noted in Sect. 3, visual attacks do not work concerning Jsteg. Since Jsteg (as EzStego) embeds bits continuously, we use the former presentation of Fig. 16 in Fig 17, Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. The show that our statistical test is quite effective concerning Jsteg as well.

Andreas Westfeld 在 IHW01 的論文 "F5 - A Steganographic Algorithm High Capacity Despite Better Steganalysis" , 也有一整個章節在介紹 Jsteg, Figure 4 甚至將 C 的程式碼給貼出來, 最後, Westfeld 還自己在 IHW99 提出來 Chi-Square Attack 來說明 Jsteg 是不夠安全的。對了, 值得一提的是在判斷 DCT 係數不等於 0 或 1 的方法, Westfeld 的 C 程式是這樣寫的 if ((inval & 1) != inval), inval 就是 DCT 係數, ( inval & 1 ) 是用 bitwise operator & 將 LSB 前面的 bits 通通設為 0 了, 如果這樣做之後, inval 的值仍然沒有改變, 表示一定等於 0 或 1。一般簡單又明瞭的寫法是 if (( inval !=0)||(inval!=1)), 大家可以比較參考一下。
This algorithm made by Derek Upham serves as a starting point for the contemplation here, because it is resistant against the visual attacks presented in [5], and nevertheless offers an admirable capacity for steganographic messages (e. g., 12.8 % of the steganogram’s size). After quantisation, Jsteg replaces the least significant bits (LSB) of the frequency coefficients by the secret message. The embedding mechanism skips all coefficients with the values 0 or 1. Fig. 4 shows Derek Upham’s embedding function of Jsteg in C source code.

However, the statistical attack [5] on Jsteg reliably discovers the existence of embedded messages, because Jsteg replaces bits and, thus, it introduces a dependency between the value’s frequency of occurrence, that only differ in this bit position (here: LSB). Jsteg influences pairs of the coefficient’s frequency of occurrence, as Fig. 5 shows.

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (五) : N. Provos

Niels Provos & Peter Honeyman 在 2001 年的技術報告 "Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet" 中是這樣描述 Jsteg 的:
[ P.4 ]
JSteg is an addition by Derek Upham to the Independent JPEG Group's JPEG Software library. The DCT coefficients are modified continuously from the beginning of the image. JSteg does not support encryption and has no random bit selection.

The message data is prepended with a variable size header. The first five bits of the header express the size of the length field in bits. The following bits contain the length field that expresses the size of the embedded content.

IEEE Security & Privacy 在 2003 May/June 這一期中有一篇文章 "Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography", 在 P. 34 的 Figure 3 中, 提到 Jsteg 的演算法。Niels Provos & Peter HoneyMand 是這樣描述 Derek Upham 的 Jsteg 嵌入法:
Derek Upham's JSteg was the first publicly available steganographic system for JPEG images. Its embedding algorithm sequentially replaces the least-significant bit of DCT coefficients with the message's data (see Figure 3). The algorithm does not require a shared secret; as a result, anyone who knows the steganographic system can retrieve the message hidden by JSteg.

About scientific and technical writing... (1)

做研究真的很有趣, 然而, 英文寫作實在不是我的專長, 仔細想想, 自己中文寫的文章和英文寫的文章, 在數量上, 之間的差別也實在太過懸殊了。不過, 既然走上這條路, 也只好慢慢累積了...

今天看 Hany Farid 的技術報告 "Detecting Steganographic Messages in Digital Images ", 看到他在描述實驗結果的用句, 正是我上學期在寫國科會結案報告時, 想要描述的情境。當時要寫英文摘要, 也翻了好多論文想參考別人的用法。剛剛在想, 如果當時有翻到這篇報告, 參考一下, 應該很快就寫好了。 :)
[ P. 5, for Jsteg ]
In this example, 99% of the training set is correctly classified. In the testing set 98% of the steg images are correctly classified with 2% false positives (i.e., a no-steg image incorrectly classified as a steg image).

[ P. 7, for EZstego ]
On average, 86.6% of the testing set is correctly classified, with 13:2% false positives, and 51:5% detection can be achieved with 1% false positives, Table 1.

[ P. 7, for OutGuess ]
Without statistical correction, detection rates are 80.4% with 19.4% false positives, or 22.5% detection with 2%false positives. With statistical correction, detection rates are slightly worse at 77.7% with 23.8% false positives, or 17.5% detection with 1.0% false positives.

About applications of steganography ... (1)

今天早上在研讀 Hany Farid 在2001年發表的技術報告 "Detecting Steganographic Messages in Digital Images", 報告中提到了有關 steganography 的應用, 包括:
1. unobtrusive military and intelligence communication
2. covert criminal communication
3. protection of civilian speech against repressive governments.

Other applications include unobtrusive military and intelligence communication, covert criminal communication, and the protection of civilian speech against repressive governments. Along with new and improved techniques for hiding information will come techniques for detecting (and possibly removing) such information.

Niels Provos & Peter HoneyMand 在 2001 年的技術報告 "Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet" 的 Abstract 中也提到了 covert criminal communication:
Steganography is used to hide the occurrence of communication. Recent suggestions in US newspapers indicate that terrorists use steganography to communicate in secret with their accomplices. In particular, images on the Internet were mentioned as communication medium. While the newspaper articles sounded very dire, none substantiated these rumors.
CNN: Bin Laden exploits technology to suit his needs (September 21, 2001)
USA Today: Terror groups hide behind Web encryption (February 5, 2001)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (四) : J. Fridrich

Jessica Fridrich 在她 2006 年 Fundamentals of Steganography 課程, Lecture 4 投影片 中, P. 7 談到 Jsteg 的作法, 從投影片中我們清楚的知道 Jsteg 並沒有考慮到四捨五入所造成的影響。完全是針對四捨五入後的 DCT 係數根據要藏入的訊息去修改係數。

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (三) : T. Tan

中國模式識別國家重點實驗室(NLPR) 在 ICPR04 (23-26 Aug., Cambridge Univ., UK.) 與 ICIP04 (24-27 Oct., Singapore) 兩個研討會都有論文提出, 論文所提出的方法大致是一樣的, 不過, 實驗範圍則有所延伸。

ICPR04 : "On Estimation of Secret Message Length in JSteg-like Steganography"
ICIP04 : "Model Based Steganalysis"

第一篇論文是針對 Jsteg-like steganography 的兩種嵌入次序 (sequential or random) 做隱藏分析; 第二篇論文則是將實驗範圍延伸到 QIM (Quantization Index Modulation) 嵌入技術。

基本上, 兩篇論文在描述 Jsteg 嵌入技術的文章都是一樣的。
The frequently used steganographic method in JPEG format is the JSteg-like algorithm, which is proposed by D. Upham [I]. It works by embedding message bits as the LSBs of the quantized DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) coefficients. The embedding mechanism skips all coefficicnts with the values of '0' or '1'. There are two embedding ways according to the selection of coefficients. One is sequential embedding; the other is random embedding whose coefficients selection is usually determined by a secret stego key shared by the communicating parties.
在這篇論文中, 還有一點我覺得很有趣!可以做實驗看看。作者引用 P. Sallee 的 IWDW03 論文 "Model based steganography" [ PDF ] 所發現的, 認為用 generalized Cauchy distribution 來描述量化後的 DCT 係數的分布會比用 generalized Laplacian/Gaussian distribution 還要來得精確。
Sallee used a specialized form of a generalized Cauchy distribution instead of the generalized Laplacian. When taking into account a more accurate estimation of the quantization effects, Sallee found this distribution appears to fit DCT coefficients better than the generalizcd Laplacian/Gaussian.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (二) : G. Tena

Guillermito Zone 的作者是 Guillaume Tena, 是法國資訊安全專家, 目前在美國 Harvard Medical School (HMS) 任職。

這個網頁是我看過描述 JPEG steganography 最詳盡的網頁了, 網頁中我個人覺得很精采的部份, 分別如下:

1. 首先 Tena 將 Internet 上, 可以將訊息嵌入到 JPEG 影像的軟體, Open Source 都列出來, 並仔細說明其狀況為何。

2. 對 JPEG 壓縮技術的解說也非常詳盡, 例子更是清楚。尤其在解釋為什麼要先將 RGB 轉換成 YCbCr 的理由, 為什麼要對 Chrominance 做 subsampling, 更是用圖片解釋得讓你一清二楚。

3. 對 DCT 轉換的解釋, 也讓我佩服。用 y = ax + b 描述一條直線的觀念, 直接點破為什麼要做轉換, 這是我覺得看這個網頁收穫最大的地方。( 因為有關 Jsteg 或 JPEG 的資料, 我已經看過太多了!) 這個例子要學起來, 以後教學生時, 就可以派上用場。

4. Quantization 中, 對於 wavelet 的圖片與說明, 更讓我對 wavelet 更能捉得住感覺。
The higher the values on this table, the more details you will eliminate. You're actually going to eliminate the high frequency coefficients: think about removing the small wavelets on top of a big wave.
5. 在 Lossless compression 這段, 清楚地說明了三個壓縮技術 RLE (Run-Length Encoding), DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation), Huffman coding 分別用在哪邊。之前, 我自己的報告中常忽略的 RLE 與 DPCM, 只是強調 Huffman coding 是不夠清楚的。

6. 網頁最後關於 Field A, B, C 的例子, 更是說明的一清二楚!

另外, 有一件事值得一提, 如果你到 Google 查 Guillaume Tena, 你會發現 Tena 最近很可憐, 他被法國法院判需要賠償一家 Anti-Virus 的軟體公司 (Tegam) 14,300 歐元, 原因是他在 2001 年公佈了他所發現關於 Tegam's Viguard anti-virus software 的瑕疵。為了指出他說的漏洞是確實存在的, Tena 一併公佈需要的 65 bytes 的原始碼。Tegam 因此對 Tena 提出違反著作權的官司, 並求償 900,000 歐元。判決前一陣子下來了, Tena 輸掉了著作權的官司!

天ㄚ, Tena 提出的是該公司軟體的安全漏洞耶!

Tena 在他的 Guillermito Zone 網站入口, 請求大家幫他購買一個新的防毒軟體, 原因是法國規定不可以針對罰金進行募款。募款迅速累積超過一萬歐元了, 網站中每天都有統計, 直到目標值 14,299 歐元達到, 將立即停止募款。


1. Harvard University researcher punished for finding bugs (28 February 2006)
2. Donations flood in for 'guilty' security researcher (02 March 2006)

Monday, March 13, 2006

關於 Jsteg 的點點滴滴 (一) : N. Johnson

Neil F. Johnson & Sushil Jajodia 在 IHW 98 的論文 "Steganalysis of Images Created Using Current Steganography Software" 中, 有兩段提到 Jsteg, 在 P.277 他說 Jsteg 將 information 藏在四捨五入後的 DCT 係數中, 而且使用的技術就是去改變四捨五入的選擇來藏入資料。
The tool Jpeg-Jsteg is a steganography tool that hides information by manipulating the rounding values of the JPEG DCT coefficients. Information is hidden in the JPEG image by modulating the rounding choices either up or down in the DCT coefficients. Detection of such an embedded message would seem to be quite difficult. (An advantage DCT has over other transforms is the ability to minimize the block-like appearance resulting when the boundaries between the 8*8 sub-images become visible (known as blocking artifact).)
在 P. 283 中則指出使用 Jsteg 藏有資訊的 JPEG 影像, 對那些經過 IDCT 公式轉換回來的係數去重新繪圖, 會產生較多的不規則的古怪圖形, 這些現象都是因為藏資訊會擴大四捨五入造成的誤差所導致。
In plotting the coefficients using the IDCT formula of JPEG images, the expected result is a relatively smooth graph for values of not equal to zero. However, plotting the coefficients of images created with Jpeg-Jsteg produce more erratic graphs and show steps resulting from duplicate coefficient values due to exaggerated rounding errors caused by storing the hidden information. This distortion is more noticeable for coefficient values less than zero.
對了, 2001/02/20 在 Wired News 有一則關於 Neil F. Johnson 的新聞 "Secret Messages Come in .Waves"。新聞中談到 Johnson 在 steganalysis 上的工作, 其中也提到 steganalysis 可以應用到 law enforcement 與 military 用途上。
Johnson's work on steganalysis may seem obscure, but it has important law enforcement and military applications. The National Security Agency and police agencies have underwritten his research -- his center's graduate program at GMU is even certified by the NSA.
在新聞中, 還提到當年希臘與波斯帝國的戰爭...
The practice of steganography has a distinguished history: The Greek historian Herodotus describes how one of his countrymen sent a secret message warning of an invasion by scrawling it on the wood underneath a wax tablet. To casual observers, the tablet appeared blank.
在我自己的國科會計畫書中, 則是這樣描述這段歷史的:
隱藏學的起源, 最早可回溯到兩千多年以前的古希臘時代, 在希臘歷史學家 Herodotus 的史著中, 記載著一個非常有名的故事: 西元前 491 年, 斯巴達國王 Demaratus 因故被放逐後, 被對希臘懷有侵略野心的東方帝國 - 波斯, 奉為上賓。波斯皇帝 Xerxes 在弭平埃及反抗叛亂後, 開始著手安排對希臘各城邦的侵略戰爭。Demaratus 獲知 Xerxes 的意圖後, 便將平時書寫用的小蠟板, 把上層蠟括除, 再將 Xerxes 的企圖刻在木板, 重新用蠟封起, 送回斯巴達皇宮。由於小蠟板的外觀看起來並無異狀, 因此能夠順利通過邊境檢查, 送到斯巴達國王 Leonidas 手中。然而, 並沒有人能夠馬上理會出小蠟板的用意, 最後是由 Leonidas 的妻子 Gorgo 猜出小蠟板的下方可能藏有訊息, 命人括去蠟層後, 使得波斯帝國即將大舉入侵的消息揭露出來。斯巴達皇后 Gorgo 可以說是歷史上所記載第一位成功破解隱藏技術的人, 圖 2 是我們使用 Google 在網路上搜尋到的當年波斯戰爭地圖。